Understanding legalizing cannibis, that is, ending prohibition


Rick Stevens, a private citizen from Washington State, comes down to Oregon to share his knowledge on marijuana legalization with citizens of Oregon, who have a new law in the works which will hopefully legalize marijuana there (which will make it State No. 3).


"This is the prohibtion of our age."

"Take the crime out of the equation."

"There is no correlation between the amount of people who smoke and whether it is legal or not. The Dutch smoke a lot less per capita than the US, and marijuana is legal there."

"I've learned that the people who speak out against legalizing marijuana do so b/c many of them work for people who make money off the fact that marijuana is kept illegal." (pharmaceutical companies are threatened, and law enforcement entities: they seize a billion dollars in assets a year from people just becasue they have some marijuana. These guys have something to lose. It's a scam...)

"You need to know what is motivating the people who are trying to convince you that marijuana needs to stay illegal."

"Law enforcement should be dedicated to serious crime, not running down pot smokers."

"The Dutch are renting out their prison space to the Belgians, because they don't need all that expense anymore." (of locking up people for smoking pot).

Rick Stevens is well-spoken, and does this on his own time. A great 18 min intro to the subject:
