The Swiss voting to take their gold back (do enough Swiss realize they were sold down the river by the IMF?)
On Mises Weekend, interview with Claudio Grass on the upcoming (November) Swiss referendum on whether or not to repatriate gold, and relink the Swiss Franc to gold (raise it to 20% gold backing)
Summary of some of the main points:
up till late 90s, Swiss had to have 40% of currency in gold (gold back currency)
was "modernized" in 2000; dropped gold link
the centralized govt in Bern has tried to take power away from cantons (like our States)
very de-centralized system is part of the Swiss cultural DNA (hey, can't we recapture this?)
they also sold 60% of their gold reserves back in 2000 (!)
now with Germany asking for gold back, (and being bascially nixed by the Federal Reserve Swindle Syndicate) more and more Swiss are maybe starting to wake up
"our bureaucrats have been buddying up to Brussels"
"we currently have a peg to Euro (soft peg) exchange rate of 1.20" (which means Swiss suffer from the importation of Euro inflation)
Deist: is it likely to pass? "Good question.... people are starting to question things.."
"A lot of Swiss people realize they are losing liberty inch by inch..."
"Distrust is growing about politicians in Switzerland."
Deist: Aftershocks if passed? "If we vote yes", it would have a huge impact."
the Swiss Central Bank owns 1,040 tonnes of gold now, 70% stored in Switzerland, 30% in Canada and UK
1,600 tons sold, back in 2000
so no gold reserves left in the US
Switzerland currently holds 7% in gold reserves, referendum says hold 20%
if we pass, and start buying gold, it would have a huge impact
If it does not pass, we have brought up the right questions
the swiss recently down-voted national health care, and a national minimum wage, so it should not be under-estimated how the Swiss are going to vote on this gold question in November
A great rundown by Jeff Deist (President of the von Mises Institute, Alabama) and Claudio Grass (Managing Director of Global Gold):