The Hong Kong protest: another color revolution pushed and funded by the anglo-american elite mongers
from the Daily Paul (
No. This is NOT Freedom/Democracy 'breaking out spontaneously' around the World folks. This is redux.. don't be confused. Think.
Think Ukraine. Think Egypt. Think 'Arab Spring'.
BBC now BUSY.. very busy throwing media gasoline on yet 'another' neocon/NWO arson job. They 'do' it with MONEY and 'infiltration' and time under the 'guise' of promoting 'Democracy'... then simply fan the sparks. Hundreds of Thousands now dead with this 'new' version of 'Democratization'. It works. It is De-Stabilization. It is Terrorism.
Yet again, yet again.
This is about using 'Democracy' as a WEAPON.
(but not for Liberty and Freedom.. but simply for de-stabilization)
Rest of article on Daily Paul, and videos of Hong Kong live: