Stunning footage shows just how massive Hong Kong protests are

The skinny: there are two parallel worlds operating in Hong Kong. They are both real.

First, there are the people, who are rightly pushing back against tyranny, against taxation without representation, to use the American parlance. China is maneuvering to deny Hong Kong the right to vote for their top figure.

(Can we leave out for now the futility of "democracy", and the massive illusion that it in itself represents? ie, what if both sides are on the same team, controlled from above?)

So, back to that first reality, the people of Hong Kong protesting. They are real, and their reasons are real. They do not want to be ruled from afar, by China, and have no say in their leaders. They want liberty, even though they might not see it as the seriously watered-down version of liberty that it really is. Still it's liberty. And any progress is only good. It takes time for it to ratchet back up, in the right direction. If the elite mongers trip up, which they very well may, we may live to see a tidal wave of liberty spread across the globe in our lifetime.

Second, there is the agenda of the NGOs of US of A. These are fronts for the CIA and other intelligence agencies. Their assignment: destabalization of Russia and China. Doesn't matter how, just destablize them in any and all possible ways. Weaken them, distract them. Why? So that the Neo Con "New American Century" agenda can be achieved.

video clip, on Economic Policy Journal: