Not all police officers like to dress up in black, with combat boots and kneepads, and beat up people, or shoot them, for looking at you the wrong way.
The County Sheriff Project highlights some of the good things happening in our country.
The site has an extensive list of letters (available to read) sent by county Sheriffs to the Feds.
The motto of The County Sheriff Project is:
Enforcing the Bill of Rights, Protecting People's Liberties.
Here are excerpts from one such letter, from Sheriff Glenn Palmer of Grant Country, Oregon, posted to VP Biden (whose son was just put in the company newly set-up in Ukraine to deal in gas):
"Dear Mr. Vice President,..."
"I will not tolerate nor will I permit any federal incursion within the exterior boundaries of Grant County, Oregon, where any type of gun control legislation aimed at disarming law abiding citizens is the goal or objective. We live in a free society and firearms ownership and the right to defend ones self from becoming a victim of a criminal act or from a far reaching government attempting to enact laws that are unconstitutional."
"...I will refuse to ... stand idly by, while people I represent are made into criminals due to your unconstituional actions."
Sheriff Glenn E. Palmer, Grant County, Oregon"
Here as well is a direct link to the sheriffs who sent similar letters: