I do this fairly often: read articles from the past. Say, from a year ago, or more. The reason? To learn. Because you can really get to understand a source, a writer, a blogger, by seeing what he wrote a while back.
What I mean is: did the perspective bear out? Did it have truth in it, as shown in how events un-wound over the course of the year that passed since he wrote it?
Learning on Alternative Media can actually go pretty fast. By "learning" I mean building up a group or "stable" of sources for informantion which are reliable and true. Sources that are about reality (in contravention to the MSM, which shows an alternate la-la land "reality").
This article by Paul Craig Roberts could serve as an example.
Mr. Roberts is tireless and quite fearless in his writings. He calls it like it is, and does not mince words.
There is very little he does not touch upon (ie, subjects people leave out, or don't touch... or even outright denigrate ... which is a warning flag to any perceptive reader). The banking elite, false flags, takedown of countries for financial gain and power, the insane play against Russia and China for their final world takeover, and so on.
This particular article is on the Ukraine, and was written back in February before the war broke out. (The war where the Ukraine Government were decimated by the secessionists in the Donbass, which is the only reason there is today's fragile peace.)
If we take into account what transpired after the article, up until today, then we can probably at least do this: add Paul Craig Roberts to our list of people relate and dessiminate information of what is really going on in the Ukraine. There is another source I will share with you all in the coming days, exclusively related to the Ukraine, from the secssionist (anti-fascist, anti-Euro, anti-World Bank cabal).