Difference b/n Zionism and Judaism
Can I be honest here?
For many years, I never went near the word anti-Zionism.
I had no idea what it meant. It just all scared me somehow.
I suppose I felt vaguely that it would mean I was anti-Jewish. So, I just went nowhere near that word. I state here categorically, and anyone who has ever known me knows this is reality: I do not judge a human being by their religion or their color. Okay, done.
Even though I wouldn't even look into why I didn't want to go near anti-Zionism, without even knowing what it was, the implication that I missed was this: I didn't even know what Zionism was.
I vaguely thought it meant that it was Jews for a homeland. That's it. And that seemed okay. Why can't the Jews have a homeland?
But after someone told me about Building 7, and I looked into it, and the obviousness that the building could not have been demolished as it was by some guys in a plane, or by any Muslims whatever, since how could they wire a building in a couple hours in all the right places so it comes down in its own footprint without them ever being found out for the months it would take to plan and place such explosives in a busy New York buidling, so as I say, after 911 awakening, I questioned everything.
Then MSM fell, then Sandy Hook (a total hoax), now the ISIS supermen-takeover-the-world guys in black (of course, why not black? - right from a script), and so on it went.
After a couple years, it was Zionism's turn. By that I mean, once I had lost my fear of truth, and had learned that I can learn on my own (sounds odd - of course everyone can learn on their own, but I just never realized until the Building 7 moment that I just wasn't doing it. Why? Fear, I guess.)
So, it did not take long to understand fully and completely that Zionism is not Judaism.
In fact, Zionism is wholly secular. Their goals are totally political, as in geo-political. Eradication of the Palestinians over time. A Greater Israel. Power. More land. And then more power. Did I mention more money? Oh, and then more power.
And then if that wasn't enough, that is when I realized that Israel is a full-blown apartheid state.
Have you not had an inkling of this yet? If you just look, you will see it. Why is there a State which says Jews only? Isn't this strange? I mean, why couldn't South Africa have a state for whites only?
Why can't Oklamhoma have a state for black-haired people only?
What is going on? Think about it: a State that outlaws and keeps in poverty, behind walls, and bombs and kills their apartment buildings totally indiscriminantly (imagine, say, the French doing that if a bomb went off in some cafe in Paris. "D'accord, on y va!" Let's go! And they send missles into some poor quarter of the suburbs of Paris and just kill a bunch of people and call it a day. Have you thought about this?
This is precisely what it going on in apartheid Israel today, and always has.
Not only that (sorry, it gets worse): the Israeli elite (govt) want and need an enemy. So they feed it. Get it? Without an enemy, they cannot consolidate state power. They cannot aggrandize state power.
Just like in the good old US of A. They need an enemy to implement the rising police state back home....
It is apartheid, plain and simple. Why doesn't the Zionist regime that has a chokehold on Israel simply let the Palestinians have full rights, like other human beings who live inside their borders? Why do they wall them off? I know what you will say: because they bomb Israelis.
Hey, if you were walled off, and treated like dirt for half a century, would at least some of the men in your ghetto get angry?
Don't take my word for it. Research it. And look out for more posts on this blog. I will share as much genuine info as I can on the Zionism is not Judaism issue.
To be against Zionist thugs is not to be anti-Semetic. It is like saying: I am against Pol Pot, and someone replies: "You are a racist against Asians!"
Here an informative interview with a group of Orthodox Jews, who are anti-Zionist, to say the least.
Give it a listen, and open your mind. Keep learning on your own. Listen to no one till you make up your own mind.
But remember: don't make up your own mind on any issue until you have looked into it deeply on your own. That is what the web is for. It is a gift to be used. It is why they are losing the information war.