Why do we have government schools? If there were a genuine free market in schools, there would be an explosion of creativity (in school "design"), and an explosion in choice.
Remember, the whole things started under Bismarck, 19th century. State schools have always indoctrination centers, whether German or otherwise, but with Common Core, it enters a very sinister phase. The sinister aspect is impossible to miss this time around. All you have to do is scratch below the surface, and all the truth of this Goebbels-like program becomes evident. Dumb down all the children, make them obedient to the State.
Any yet, the teachers in the unions, and the other members of the government apparatus scream that we "need this". They would scream for anything under the sun, as long as they wouldn't lose their job, because of the rise of truly free market education in our country....
From the Daily Paul:
Ok. Well, not Okay. I'm not sure how Common Core would explain the spelling of "OK", but, the guess would be that it is oaky-dokey to spel eny whey you juant, az long az thay sey it's gud annd undurstanduhbul.
Really though, It occurred to me tonight, while attempting to help a young 11 year-old girl with a simple math problem exactly what the problem is with Common Core.
"Mary's family takes a 156 mile trip and they are traveling at 55 miles per hour, how many hours will it take them to get there?"
I know you know, that I know that you know how to make this work. I tried to explain it. This poor child only responded in desperation, "My teacher won't let me do it that way, she says there is an easier way."
Her Mother, who was listening, replied exasperated, "I already tried to help her that way."
And then, BAM, it hit me. The only authority the children could turn to for help was the State...I mean the teacher.
What else then will the perceived authority be turned to next for the child's benefit? Parents are disabled and taken, forgive the pun, out of the equation regarding their own child's education, all hands rest with...
And the young mind turns to the "perceived" authority for help in division and down the road, who knows?
I guess this would be a good time to ask you, fellow DP'ers, what tactics are you using, besides pulling your child from the system, to combat this "Idiocracy" in-training?
The article:
If you are new to researching Common Core, to understanding the agenda of it, this video is a quick 5-minute, very introductory sort of exposure to it: