There have been colorized versions of black and white photos around for a long time. You know the ones, where the colorization, while somewhat novel, nonetheless has aspects of the faux or the unreal about it.
To be sure, such colorized photos have always helped us gain a closer, more immediate insight into the setting of the photograph, making the past seem closer. The better the colorization, the more immediate the past becomes.
But colorized photos have always been ― depsite the rise of the computer, despite Photoshop ― "giveaways". Giveaways in the sense that even the non-specialist could look at them, just glance at them, and tell that they were not real color photographs.
Not any more.
A set of colorized black and whites have just appeared, and they are simply not to be believed. While a few may not be on quite the same level as the rest, by and large these photos are a phenomenal experience.
And there are 50 of them.
I leave you with one more preview:
The rest are here, enjoy: