Beyond Zionism
Miko Peled
Israeli writer and activist, and author of "The General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine"
He is the son of the late Israeli general Mattityahu Peled.
Miko has taught karate to Palestinian youth in refugee camps. He spoke at Seeds of Hope and Justice for Palestinians and Israelis, a FOSNA conference held April 4-5 2014 in Portland Oregon.
Excerpts from his talk at FOSNA Conference, April 2014, Oregon, with full speech in two links below:
"I think there are two issues that have to brought up."
"...that somehow criticizig Israel is anti-Semetic."
"...and that somehow Israel is the answer to the Holocaust. I think it is important to dispel these two myths."
"There is nothing anti Semetic about criticizing Israel because first of all there is nothing Jewish about Israel. There is nothing inherently Jewish about Zionism, there never was. The Zionists secularized Judaism. They secularized Judaism and decided that Jews are a nation. They secularized teh Bible and turned it into a history book...."
"There is this illusion that there is a Palesting and an Israel, that we have two countries. These countries are at war, these people don't get along, and therefore we need an American broker ... but darnit, these people just don't get along .... Is that the reality? Israel and Palestine are two names for the same country. Governed by one government, one army."
"Two nations. The problem is not two countries of war. It is a problem of oppression, colonialsim, oppression."
"...(the solution) is to dismantel the Zionist State, in favor of democracy."
"Every generation is judged by certain issues. We are all going to have to answer on this issue of Palestine...
"The people who excuse the crimes of Israel... who wave the Israeli flag while bombs drop on Gaza..."
"People always talk about the Balfour Declaration [Rothschild/Balfour] as if it were the 11th Commandment."