The Fed, that private cartel that works hand in glove with the US government (they need each other to function, but make no mistake, the families behind the private portion have done very well for themselves this past 100 years), is playing defense. Even though it doesn't look like it.
For the third time (second time as stand alone), the Audit the Fed Bill (Ron Paul) passed the House, this time with more votes than ever before (333-92). Big.
Of course, it will not pass the Senate, as the Elite have their iron fist wrapped so very tightly around this war-mongering assembly. (Think B&B. Bribes and Blackmail).
But there is an accelerating world-wide realization (protests last month in 100 German cities, against the Fed) of the preposterously ridiculous idea of having a few men sit in a room and determine what interests rates "should be", instead of leaving it to the market, the way so much else functions, at least the things that work in our lives.
This worldwide awareness has not been quite enough to tip the balance. Yet. But when a crises comes — the collapse of the dollar, for example — the Fed will never be able to withstand the tidal wave of "understanding" at that point.
Sure, they will try to spring on us some bogus "new and improved" fiat currency, backed by some trickster mix of gold (paper gold maybe, or 2% gold, or some abject nonesense) as a "guarantee of value", but they are battling something bigger than themselves at this point. The alternative media. People are educating themselves, and leaving MSM behind. When the MSM becomes the transparent lie that it is to enough people (and we are getting closer all the time), the game is up.
After a nationwide grassroots campaign led by Campaign for Liberty, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 24, 'Audit the Fed,' by a vote of 333-92 today This marks the second time the U.S. House has passed 'Audit the Fed' as a standalone bill, after H.R. 459, introduced by Congressman Ron Paul, passed the House in 2012.
"I am pleased..."