Think about it: all it takes is for a couple people to get beheaded, and America goes to war.

It is all propaganda. It is a PsyOp (Psychological Operation).

MSM then kicks into gear, and generates fear. That is their number one job. Create fear of some enemy.

But once you get this, understand that they are all controlled from the top, including Fox (most especially Fox, which poses as the "alternative", while all the time is textbook Controlled Opposition), there is no going back. The scales fall from the eyes. Try this point of view on for a while. Some day, hopefully sooner rather than later, the stooge role you are playing is gonna hurt, but at least you will be free. Personally and intellectually clear and free.

If you are new to this, start with Operation Northwoods. Just google it, read up on it.

The pattern has been the same, from the nutty "weapons of mass destruction" (even the name is so transparently propaganda), to ISIS, the guys who run around in black pajamas and are going to take over the United States real soon, so you watch, ya hear?

About "SITE" Intelligence Group, the soure of the beheading videos. (BTW: the videos are so fake as to be laughable. Totally photoshoped and edited for "effect". Hello?)

Since mid-August 2014 major news organizations have conveyed videos allegedly found online by the SITE Intelligence Group. Unsurprisingly the same media have failed to closely interrogate what the private company actually is and whether the material it promotes should be accepted as genuine.
